Quality Assurance
Cattle breeding is an art with a wide range of opportunities for breeding extremely productive cattle. Any farmer with practical knowledge and the will has the unique opportunity to stand out anywhere they implement these principles because we have stood out in every region we operate.
Based on the rigid practical selection criteria, no politics, and no bias but through observation of what nature tells us is best, we have traveled in the search for the best nature has to offer. We have selected cattles with inherent survival traits such as early sexual maturity, high meat to bone ration, nutritional adaptability, climatic adaptability, and disease adaptability.
We went a step further by accelerating natural processes through our rigorous selection process using practical selection criteria to identify superior animals with economically valuable traits.
We can predict with almost 100 % certainty what our calves will grow to become the best because we know their dams and sirs were superior to their contemporaries.